Interview - Nargash

Nargash arised from the middle of the atlantic and the cursed lands of the Lvsitanian Old lands...Their sound is cold and fast such as bands like Dark Funeral or Emperor at the beginning... They Hail the Mother Nature and all the freezing winter on the frozen vast lands on the far corners of Lvsitania... Here are some words of the lider of this project Sabazios...
Hells!! First tell us a little about Nargash…
Nargash is a project of my own, started at 2004 in a need to create something of my own. As black metal was and still is my biggest influence in music, I decided to give birth to Nargash and do something for me.
I spent two years by myself composing and writing for Nargash, later on, I invited AssassIIn to join as a bass player to give me a hand with it. Sharing the same ideologies and musical influences it was easy to establish a connection between us.
So… What are your influences and what are the themes of your lyrics ?
Well, I guess my biggest influences are bands like Mayhem, Emperor, Dark Funeral.... etc. Lyrically I write mostly about Nature. I often write about the winter, mysticism of the forest and so on.
In a few words… describe us your sound…
I guess our sound could be described as cold fucking black metal. Plain and simple.
AssassIIn as taken the place as bass player… Do you expect to complete the Line Up for future concerts or you don’t want to play live ?
Well... not really, not for now anyways. We have thought about playing live and discuss it, but we, being from different regions only complicates it, and we wouldn't have much time to find other members and rehearse as a band. For now Nargash won't play live, maybe in the future you'll see us on stage... You'll just have to wait and see what will happen...
You have released your first demo this year titled “Paths of the Dead”. How do people has accepted your demo ?
I haven't given much thought to it because that demo was supposed to be released in 2005 or something. Anyways, the criticism was pretty positive from the people I've showed.
Some people liked it, some didn't...
When are you expecting to unleash some new blasphemies ?
We are finishing working on our new material. We have a few songs ready, soon we will begin the recordings. We might do some Split-CDs with some other Portuguese bands, soon we will also appear in too Portuguese black metal compilations, one by Hell Unleashed Records and the other by Nekrogoat Heresy Productions, and we might record our mCD in the beginning of 2007.
You have some dates for the future releases ?
The only date I'm sure of is the compilation that will be released by Hell Unleashed Records, December 2006. The other releases I'm not sure. Maybe in the beginning/middle of 2007. We’ll see...
Tell us what you think about the present situation of the scene…
I think it's killing itself, honestly. Like it or not, the black metal scene is filled with posers and rock stars, there are a few bands I like in the scene, such as, Asbath Oculta, Forgotten Winter, Bruma Obscura, Bahamut, Decayed, and a few others...
And have you already thinking in a cure for the underground diseases ?
Nargash takes care of itself, fuck the others...
Tell us what you think about Nature, Misanthropy and Black Metal…
Nature is earths purest form, its all the beauty, power and strength, it's something I am fascinated about and it's something I respect.
Misanthropy is something we might not ever know what it's really about, for me it's a mixture of hate, agony, despair and coldness.
Black Metal to me is all about strength, wisdom and power.
And what do you think about politic and religion.
I don't do politics.
Religions to me are a complete waste of time. We were born with fucking brains. I don't need no fucking god to tell me what I should stand for or not
Ok, so now tell us what your plans are for the future!!!
Well, I guess my only goal for now is to record the first full length album for Nargash.
I don't know if it will take a long time or not.. We just have to work for it and make it our best....
Say your last blasphemies…
Thank you for the interview...
Keep supporting the underground.
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