Bahamut - Interview

1 – Hells... do us a little presentation of the band.
Greets, here’s Tormentv, mentor of my project Bahamut. I formed this project on the beginning of 2005 with the objective to explore more about my mind and some feelings. Before the music, I wrote during my life that acts mind on my own papers, little sketches and I did some designs, what I can't explain with the right correction. Then the music became as a good experience for my life that style, extreme metal, melancholic and hatred metal, becomes strong with my words and feelings, and that is some part of the objective of this project...then the future speaks.
2 – Tell us what the concepts of your lyrics are.
I write melancholic lyrics, with some poetry, fantasy, hate, my own philosophy about my thoughts and I follow like a critical mind about the reality, and my space. My lyrics don't speak about Satanism at all, neither about other type of ideology, like, religions and political things.

3 – You have released your first demo by Dungeons Records. How does de people received your work ? When will you release your next Blasphemy ?
Yes, I release the demo "Hidden theory" by Dungeons records, a great label of our underground scene that I respect very much. The people received the work with different opinions, some people liked and others not, is normal, but that not the most important point for me. I'm here, write on my paper, do my music, and that is the most important. About the new release, the first album, not a blasphemy album, but a good representation of extreme metal, with some air of old school and ambient music and with a good feeling. Will be released soon, maybe in this month, by the German label Warfront Productions.
4 – How does this deal with Warfront Productions occurred ?
It was easily to contact with them. I send the album and they liked very much and we decided to release with their conditions. We spoke about the layout and other things about the artwork, and we worked together, it was great to work with them.
5 – Can you talk us a little more about the album and its concept ?
Yes. The name is " Old Temple Of Depression", this is a very symbolic album, speak about our temple, old temple, symbolize our home, and our home lives with a deep depression, is about our days, our minds, we all know what I'm talking about. I talk about me and my space, I symbolize the fire with the intelligence, I symbolize the “four” gates with life, that’s means nothing for me or just a little time of stupid emotions.
The number "four" means many theories, "four" stations of year, summer, spring, winter, autumn, symbolize "four" natural life, like, water, fire, wind, earth, and that go on. This album have many symbolical theories about the human kind and the nature, is important to ear with attention, and follow the lyrics for understanding the philosophy of this album.
6 – So it’s a very personal album, something that has being unleashed inside of you, right ?
Yes, is right, I can say that in the general about the album and the project.

7 – Tell me what these themes means to you: Misanthropy, Nature and Black Metal.
Misanthropy for me is like a cold feeling, what we never understand what really means, about some negative feelings, like, sadness, despair, some hatred, etc. Nature is the most beautiful what we have; I'm a lover of nature, it’s pure, honest and true, is the power what I respect. About the Black metal, born like a sub-genre of heavy metal, and talk only about the theme Satanism. Actually, I can say, with some evolution thought, that the black metal is not only about Satanism, and yes, with other type of lyrics too, becomes a one style of music, extreme metal music, with a pure feelings, but I respect who are against this theory, and close their mind to Satanism, because that's the true definition and ideology of black metal, so, in this case, for that people, Bahamut is not a black metal project, but some extreme metal project.
8 – Do you wish to do live shows with Bahamut or this is not a priority to you ?
I'm not sure if I wish some day, maybe, depends of the songs what I want express like a reality act and what I can express to the “face” of public for obtain the right connection. Maybe... well, the future speaks.
9 – Tell us what are your plans for the future ?
The plans for the future are, one previous EP/ LP for release at the end of 2006 or beginning of 2007, with the previous title " Meu Fado" and maybe one second album for 2007.
10 – Last Words, Hails and Blasphemies
I want to thank your zine for this interview and wish good luck for your work with the underground metal scene, is great support for all bands. My last words are for all: "Follow your own steps and mind."
Thank you - Tormentv
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