Ready to Fuck - Inicio do Caos

Band: Ready to Fuck
Title: Inicio do Caos
Total Time: 23:08
Line Up: Barbatos (Bass and Guitar)
Dhamer (Bass and Guitar)
Kaus Borealis (Session Vocals)
Label: Holokaostor Productions
Ready to Fuck come from Brazilian Black\Thrash Metal hordes and presents us with an excellent Black\Speed\Thrash Metal in this first demo tape. “Inicio do Caos” is constituted by 4 tracks full of hate and need to kill some Christians.
The killing begins with “Inicio do Caos” a track that begins with a slow guitar intro 34 seconds. Then the killing begins with riffs of pure Speed\Thrash Metal, real catchy sound.
The Second Track called “Tempestade do Ódio” is a hateful hymn calling for the destruction of the human race… lots of speed and rage from guitar and bass join in the programmed drums in a chaotic harmony… a real symphony for destruction…
The third track “Prazer de Matar” starts as a Black Metal sound, with raw harsh guitars with the session vocalist Kauz Borealis praying for all souls he can get and send them back to hell… Then at the end, the sound turns into a Speed\Thrash Metal real catchy that make all the listeners bang their heads.
To end this excellent demo “O Silencio da Morte”, perhaps the Blackest song of this blasphemy full of melancholic and depressive ambiance with some northern European influences, a true hymn to Black Metal.
This is an excellent beginning to this recent Brazilian band. We think that the Chaos as already begun!!!
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